Avvidus provides hope for those longing to put an end to the cycle of Opiate Dependence.
We provide the means to carry out a happy, functional life.
As a patient of Avvidus you will become the real mother, father, husband, wife, worker and friend that you were meant to be.
Opiate Dependence is a medical illness. Physical changes have occurred.
At Avvidus, your treatment will focus on enabling a stable life through medically assisted treatment, similar to having a stable blood pressure or blood sugar with medical treatment.
We believe that you can get off medical therapy for Opiate Dependence, similar to a patient eliminating the need for high blood pressure or diabetes medicine through proper diet, exercise and healthy lifestyle choices.
We achieve this by offering Full Spectrum Care™
In addition to providing treatment with buprenorphine (Suboxone, Subutex, or Zubsolv ) Alarus focuses on medically treating the depression, anxiety, PTSD and lack of energy that often accompany Opiate Dependence.
Physical issues such as Opiate Induced Constipation (OIC) and loss of libido are addressed.
Diet, general health and a positive self -image are stressed.
Family participation is encouraged and provides Supportive Therapy each visit.
If counseling is indicated or desired, on-site One-On-One, Group and IOP are available with Certified Mental Health and Substance Abuse Counselors.
Our team at Avvidus welcomes you to work together through our Full Spectrum Approach TM to overcome Opiate Dependence and replace it with a new, happy, functional life.
We have immediate openings and look forward to your call.